About Us

We have 10 acres of pastures and wooded glens with a small house and stables.

When we first bought our property over 20 years ago, we were unhappy with all the Black Walnut trees. Like most horse owners, we considered them worse than a nuisance - they were outright dangerous. Black Walnut trees and nuts contain a chemical called juglone, which is toxic to horses and other animals. 

However, over the decades we have not only made peace with the trees, we have come to appreciate them for the amazing natural resource that they are. 

If you are interested in reading more about the benefits of Black Walnut trees, please visit the Black Walnut Tree page.

If you are interested in seeing more pictures of The Shire please visit the Our Shire Gallery page.

Ian is a machinist and Denise is a high school math teacher. We work our full-time jobs to pay for our home, property, and animals. We both grew up with horses and all kinds of other animals and could not imagine a life without them.

Over the years, we have put a lot of effort into improving and maintaining the land and trees we own. We love nature and being outdoors. 

We have wanted to share what we do with others for a very long time, so in 2021 we created Walnutshire. It has taken 2 years, but Walnutshire has finally begun to pay for itself. It is our dream to someday have Walnutshire earn enough to support us so that we can do what we love full-time.

If you are interested in getting to know us better, we invite you to check out the Ian and Denise page.

Our Animals

We are working hard to create our website.
Unfortunately, parts of it are still under construction. We hope you will bear with us as we are busy in the shire! 

Our YouTube Channel

We are trying to create our YouTube Channel.
There is a lot of work that goes into making a good YouTube channel.
Our videos need a good 'opening', so I decided to animate our logo. I made a few animated logos, but I am still decided which one I like the best. Eventually I will add some background music to the one I chose.