Tiamat BCF

Our Pureblood Friesian filly

Tiamat BCF

Tiamat is registered 100% Friesian with the Friesian Heritage Horse International Association.
Tiamat has been DNA tested and is Negative for Dwarfism, Hydrocephalus, and Distichiasis.

Training Tiamat

Tiamat's second time in a round pen. She is learning to change direction using only hand signals and by turning to the inside (instead of turning into the fence)

After only 15 minutes of Tiamat's round penning, she was making great progress! Faster turns and more responsive to hand signals. She is a smart young lady!

Tiamat's Pedigree

Dam - Cassie of the Cascades
Cassie is one of the mares at Badger Canyon Friesians. She is a pureblood registered Friesian with a baroque style conformation. She is free of dwarfism and hydrocephalus and is non carrier.

SIre - Jente fan Donia-Hiem
Jente is a ster stallion imported from the Netherlands. He made it to the 70 day testing for approved stallions. He did not make approved but was very close. He has a baroque style conformation with a very sweet disposition. Rides and drives. He is free of dwarfism and hydrocephalus and is non carrier. 

SIre's SIre - Uldrik 457
Uldrik 457 was crowned champion at the stallion inspections in 2010 and 2011 and reserve champion in 2012. Uldrik is a long-legged stallion typical for his breed, with a beautiful head and long, well-shaped neck, he is well-proportioned and built uphill with hard, dry legs a hallmark of superior quality. 

Uldrik broke all records at his inspection with 88 points for dressage under saddle (saddle test), 94 points for dressage in harness (driving test) and 95.5 points for the harness (show-driving) test. Uldrik possesses three excellent paces, characterised by self-carriage, elasticity and freedom of the shoulder. The strength of this outstanding all-rounder lies in his excellent hind leg activity, which was rewarded with a 9.5 in the trot, and a 9 in the harness test. For this spectacular performance, Uldrik 457 is a model AAA stallion. 

Tiamat's Name

Tiamat BCF
Ian chose the name Tiamat in compliance with standard Friesian naming practices. The names of Friesians born in the year 2022 needed to start with the letters T, U, or V.
The BCF after her name stands for Badger Canyon Friesians, the stables in Washington state where she was bred.

History of the Name Tiamat
Tiamat is the Babylonian primordial goddess of the sea and depicted as a dragon. Through her sacred marriage to Aspu, the god of fresh water, she gives birth to the first generation of gods becoming the mother of all gods. When Apsu is killed, Tiamat seeks revenge by taking the form of a massive 5-headed sea dragon. When she is slain, her body creates heaven and earth.