Black Walnut Hull
Tincture and Powder

Our Black Walnut Tincture and Powder
are made from the green hulls of our hand-harvested nuts. We do not use any pesticides or insecticides on our trees, so the hulls are 100% organic with no chemicals added.

Green Black Walnut Tincture
Our tincture is made using the fresh green hulls of black walnuts, distilled grain alcohol, and water. This carefully balanced solution contains the constituent juglandin with anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, and anti- bacterial properties. It is also an all-natural source of iodine. 

Internal Uses:

Black Walnut hull tincture is most commonly used as an herbal anti-parasitic de-wormer. However, it also contains anti- bacterial and anti-viral properties which can help reduce pain and swelling, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and promote healthy digestion and gastrointestinal well-being. For short term use (up to 10 days) take 15-30 drops up to 3x daily. 


External Uses:

Black Walnut hull tincture contains anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. It can be used to help treat a variety of skin condition including ringworm, athlete’s foot, psoriasis, and eczema. It is also a natural source of iodine and can be used to help clean wounds. (Please Note: because of the natural iodine properties of this tincture, can cause staining). Apply topically 2x daily on affected areas.

Black Walnut Hull Powder
Black Walnut hull powder is extremely versatile. It can be used for medicinal purposes just like a tincture (but without the alcohol). It can also be mixed with water to make a natural ink, dye, or wood stain.